National Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Veterans Health Library
Created by and administered by NCP, the Veterans Health Library (VHL) is a culmination of comprehensive, consistent, Veteran-focused health information made available for all veterans all of the time.
Developed under the guidance of National Center of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention's Veterans Health Education and Information Program, the VHL offers Veterans, family members, and caregivers 24/7 access to comprehensive, consistent, Veteran-focused health information, no matter where the Veteran receives care. Available online at or via My HealtheVet at, the VHL:
- Provides information that's been approved by VA experts
- Is designed to be easy for Veterans to use and understand
- Features Veteran-specific health topics, like posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Agent Orange and combat-related traumatic brain injury
- Has been improved with testing and feedback from Veterans, family members, and health care providers
- Is available anywhere there is Internet access
The VHL includes:
- Over 1,500 printable health sheets, in both English and Spanish
- More than 150 videos
- Online workbooks that contain text, audio, and graphics
Visit the Veterans Health Library website.
New: 2025 Veterans Health Library Calendar

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